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Diabetic Foot Care in Ann Arbor, MI

Best Diabetic Foot Care in Ann Arbor, MI | Arbor - Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers

Preventative. Managed. Complete Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes can significantly impact your feet, making even minor injuries potentially serious. Diabetic foot care is essential because diabetes can cause nerve damage, leading to a loss of sensation in your feet. Additionally, it can reduce blood flow, making it harder for wounds to heal and for infections to be fought off.

Because of these issues, you might not feel a foreign object in your shoe, which can lead to sores or blisters. These can easily become infected or fail to heal properly, increasing the risk of severe complications such as amputations. Our foot and ankle surgeons at Arbor - Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers treat all foot and ankle conditions, from the most common to the most complex, in patients of all ages, including diabetes. Their extensive education and experience qualify them to conduct a vast array of surgical procedures, including any that may be needed for diabetic foot care. Learn more by arranging your consultation for Diabetic Foot Care in Ann Arbor today!

Ann Arbor diabetic foot care model receiving treatment
Ann Arbor diabetic foot care model's feet

What is Diabetic Foot Care?

Proper Care for Your Feet

Common foot problems in people with diabetes can sometimes lead to infections and other serious problems that could lead to amputation. At our office in Ann Arbor Diabetic Foot Care is crucial because we understand that feet are an intricate anatomical structure composed of several joints, ligaments, tendons, and nerve endings.

Foot discomfort can be caused by a variety of diseases, deformities, biomechanical abnormalities, and traumas. If you have diabetes, this disease complicates and exacerbates issues with your feet. Your doctor will work with you to devise a preventative treatment plan so you can keep all ten toes. While complications may arise due to the complexity of your diabetes, it is imperative to follow the guidelines and recommendations with your treatment plan.

Benefits of Diabetic Foot Care

  • Prevention of Complications: Regular diabetic foot care helps prevent common issues such as diabetic foot ulcers, infections, and neuropathy-related injuries.
  • Early Detection: Regular check-ups can help in the early detection of problems, ensuring timely treatment.
  • Enhanced Mobility: Proper care ensures better foot health, enhancing overall mobility and quality of life.
  • Pain Management: Effective care can alleviate pain and discomfort associated with diabetic foot conditions.
  • Education: Patients receive valuable education on self-care practices crucial for maintaining foot health.

Am I a good candidate for diabetic foot care?

Let Us Tailor a Plan for You

Diabetes increases the chance of developing foot infections.

You can safeguard your feet by following these easy tips for foot care:

  • Examine and clean your feet everyday. Look for rashes, swelling, wounds, blisters, and nail issues. When washing your feet, use lukewarm water and pat them dry with care, particularly between the toes.

  • Wear clean, dry socks and shoes that fit properly.

  • Avoid going barefoot.

  • Trim your toenails with care. Cut the nails in a straight line. You may wish to have a professional perform this task, especially if you have thicker nails, eyesight impairment, or numb feet.

To avoid more serious diseases from developing, schedule your Ann Arbor Diabetic Foot Care consultation at the Foot & Ankle Centers if you have any concerns.

Types of Diabetic Foot Care Treatments

Surgical & Non-surgical Solutions

Non-surgical preventions, such as the ones mentioned above, are vital. However, if you experience changes in the skin color of your feet, experience extreme swelling in your foot or ankle, can see open sores that won’t heal or are draining, it is time for complex Diabetic Foot Care.


An abscess is a pus-filled pocket that forms when an infection eats through bone or tissue. The typical therapy for an abscess is drainage. It might necessitate the removal of bone or tissue, but newer treatments, such as oxygen therapy, are less invasive.


Diabetes increases the likelihood that a person would sustain a foot injury and fail to recognize it until infection sets in. When an infection cannot be cured, produces an abscess, or insufficient blood flow leads to gangrene, amputation is frequently the most effective treatment.

Bone and skin infections

A little cut or wound can result in an infection. Damage to nerves and blood vessels, along with difficulties with your immune system, increases the likelihood of an infection. Most infections occur in wounds that have already been treated with medications. Antibiotics can be used to treat infections. In severe instances, it may necessitate hospitalization for further treatment.

Charcot Foot

Diabetes can cause foot bones to become so brittle that they break. Damage to a nerve might diminish feeling and prevent you from recognizing it. As you continue to walk on damaged bones, the shape of your foot will change. Your arch may appear to have collapsed into a rocker form.


Nerve injury can weaken the muscles in your feet, resulting in conditions such as hammertoes, claw feet, large metatarsal heads (the tips of the bones underneath your toes), or a high arch that does not flatten when you put weight on it.


The blood arteries that supply your fingers and toes are affected by diabetes. When a tissue's blood supply is cut off, it can die. Treatment typically consists of oxygen therapy or surgical removal of the afflicted region.

Do's and Don'ts of Diabetic Foot Care


  • Inspect your feet daily for any signs of injury or infection.
  • Keep your feet clean and dry.
  • Trim toenails straight across to prevent ingrown toenails.
  • Wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes to avoid pressure points and injuries.
  • Manage blood sugar levels effectively to reduce the risk of complications.


  • Avoid walking barefoot, even at home, to prevent injuries.
  • Do not use heating pads or hot water bottles on your feet.
  • Avoid smoking as it impairs circulation.
  • Do not ignore foot pain or discomfort; seek medical advice promptly.
  • Avoid using over-the-counter corn removers or foot treatments without consulting a healthcare provider.
Ann Arbor diabetic foot care model's feet

Diabetic Foot Care Treatment Results

The results of diabetic foot care treatment can vary depending on the severity of the condition and the individual's overall health. Generally, patients can expect to see improvements in foot health within a few weeks of starting a consistent care regimen. This includes reduced pain, fewer foot ulcers or infection incidents, and enhanced mobility. Regular foot inspections and prompt treatment of any issues can significantly decrease the risk of severe complications, such as amputations.

The benefits of diabetic foot care are long-lasting as long as patients adhere to their care plan, manage their diabetes effectively, and attend regular check-ups with their healthcare provider. Continuous monitoring and preventive measures are essential to maintain healthy feet and prevent future problems. With diligent care, patients can enjoy improved quality of life and sustained foot health.

Diabetic Foot Care Recovery & Aftercare

Recovery from diabetic foot care treatments involves a diligent aftercare routine to ensure the best outcomes and prevent future complications. Patients should follow their healthcare provider's recommendations closely, including regular foot inspections, proper foot hygiene, and wearing appropriate footwear. It is crucial to keep the feet clean and dry, trim toenails carefully, and avoid walking barefoot to minimize the risk of injury and infection.

Continued management of blood sugar levels is essential in promoting healing and preventing further issues. Patients should attend all follow-up appointments to monitor their progress and promptly address emerging concerns. Incorporating these practices into daily routines helps maintain foot health and reduces the likelihood of developing severe conditions, ensuring long-term benefits from the initial treatments.

Why Choose Arbor-Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers?

Choosing Arbor-Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers for your diabetic foot care ensures you receive specialized, comprehensive treatment from a team of experienced professionals dedicated to your health. Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, enabling precise diagnosis and effective treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. We emphasize a personalized approach, educating our patients on proper foot care practices and preventive measures to manage their diabetes effectively. Our commitment to patient education, combined with our expertise in diabetic foot care, means you can trust us to provide immediate relief and long-term solutions to maintain your foot health. Additionally, our convenient location in Ann Arbor, MI, and our understanding of local healthcare systems ensure that we can seamlessly integrate your care with other medical providers, optimizing your overall treatment plan.

Ann Arbor diabetic foot care model receiving treatment

Diabetic Foot Care Cost

The cost of diabetic foot care can vary based on the specific services required. Many insurance plans cover diabetic foot care, but you should check with your provider for details. We offer affordable care options and can assist with insurance claims.

Schedule your Ann Arbor Diabetic Foot Care consultation with Arbor - Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers today

Diabetic Foot Care & Prevention

Your diabetes can make your feet vulnerable to injury and may even make you lose feeling in them.

Poor blood flow can also lead to painful wounds, blisters, and injuries that don't heal.

That's why it's important to take good care of your feet when you have diabetes. If you need foot surgery because of diabetic complications, our foot and ankle surgeons at Arbor - Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers are qualified to handle any type of operation that would help protect your feet. Schedule a consultation with one of our experts today!

Diabetic Foot Care Frequently Asked Questions

Is diabetic foot care covered by insurance?

Yes, many insurance plans cover diabetic foot care. It is best to check with your insurance provider for specific coverage details.

Do people with diabetes get free foot care?

Coverage for diabetic foot care varies by insurance plan. Some plans may offer free preventive care services, so verifying with your provider is essential.

What are diabetic foot ulcers?

Diabetic foot ulcers are open sores or wounds that commonly occur on the bottom of the feet in people with diabetes.

How often should I see a podiatrist for diabetic foot care?

It is recommended to see a podiatrist at least once a year or more frequently if you have existing foot problems.

Can diabetic foot problems be prevented?

Yes, with proper care, regular check-ups, and effective diabetes management, many diabetic foot problems can be prevented.

Get relief today at Arbor - Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers

At Arbor - Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers in Ann Arbor, Michigan, we identify your unique foot and ankle needs and develop a highly effective and individualized treatment plan to resolve them. Our experts will work relentlessly to make you feel better and put your best foot forward.

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