(734) 975-1700 Appointment

Plantar Warts in Ann Arbor, MI

Plantar Warts

If you've ever had a stubborn little bump on your foot after stubbing your toe, it could be a plantar wart caused by a virus. They're not uncommon, but they're usually treatable.

Plantar Warts show up on the weight-bearing areas of your feet, like your heels and the balls of your toes. They might feel a little rough or even cause some pain when you walk. They often have a black dot in the center, which can be a giveaway. The key to keeping these unwanted guests at bay is keeping your feet clean and dry, especially in public places like pools and gyms. Since they're contagious, this is especially important if your immune system isn't at its peak.

If your Plantar Warts are causing you major pain, swelling, or bleeding, it's best to see a podiatrist (a foot and ankle specialist). They can help diagnose the problem and get you on the road to smoother, wart-free feet!

Ann Arbor plantar warts model with brown shoes
Ann Arbor plantar warts treatment foot care model's feet

What are Plantar Warts?

Plantar Warts are caused by a very common virus called HPV, the human papillomavirus (don't worry, it's different from the strains that cause cervical cancer). This virus can get into your feet through tiny cuts or breaks in your skin.

Once it's there, it causes those rough, sometimes painful bumps to grow. They tend to show up on the weight-bearing areas of your feet, like your heels and balls of your toes, because that's where they get the most pressure. So, next time you feel a sore spot under your foot, take a look and see if it might be a Plantar Wart!

What happens if warts go untreated?

While Plantar Warts may not seem like a major concern at first, leaving them untreated can present a few challenges.

First, Plantar Warts are contagious. The human papillomavirus (HPV) that causes them thrives in warm, moist environments and can easily spread through direct contact or by sharing contaminated surfaces. This means there's a risk of transmitting the virus to other parts of your own foot or even to others.

Untreated Plantar Warts can become more troublesome over time. The constant pressure placed on the soles of your feet can cause these warts to grow larger and deeper, increasing discomfort and pain. It can even make walking difficult.

Early treatment is important for preventing the spread of the virus and minimizing discomfort. A podiatrist can effectively diagnose and develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific situation.

How are Plantar Warts treated?

Treatment Options to Get You Back on Your Feet

Effective treatment options are available to get you back on your feet wart-free. Fortunately, many treatments can be done right in your podiatrist's office.

One common approach is cryotherapy, which uses liquid nitrogen to freeze and destroy the wart tissue. It's like a tiny blast of icy air that targets the wart and disrupts its growth.

Another option is salicylic acid, a topical medication applied directly to the wart that works by gradually breaking down the wart layer by layer.

For more stubborn warts, podiatrists may utilize advanced technologies like Swift microwave therapy. This innovative treatment uses targeted microwave energy to heat and destroy the wart tissue from the inside out—think of it as a tiny internal zap that disrupts the wart's growth cycle.

Stepping Up Your Comfort and Confidence

Plantar Wart Treatment Benefits

Plantar Warts might seem like a minor annoyance, but getting rid of them can make a big difference in your daily life. Here's why tackling those stubborn bumps head-on is a smart move for your feet (and your overall well-being):

  • Pain Relief: Plantar Warts often grow in weight-bearing areas, making them tender and painful with every step. Treatment helps eliminate that discomfort, allowing you to walk, run, and jump with ease.
  • Improved Confidence: Nobody enjoys having visible warts on their feet. Treatment helps restore the smooth, healthy appearance of your feet, boosting your confidence when wearing sandals or going barefoot.
  • Reduced Risk of Spreading: Plantar Warts are contagious, so getting them treated minimizes the chance of spreading them to other parts of your body or even to others.
  • Faster Healing: Untreated warts can linger for months or even years. Treatment encourages faster healing and prevents them from growing larger or deeper.
  • Non-Surgical Approach: Many Plantar Wart treatments are non-surgical, meaning minimal discomfort and downtime. You can usually resume your normal activities quickly after treatment.

Investing in Plantar Wart treatment allows you to step back into your life with confidence, comfort, and healthy feet!

Who can benefit from Plantar Wart Treatment?

Plantar Wart Treatment Candidates

Here's the good news: most people can benefit from getting rid of those pesky bumps! Treatment is particularly helpful if you're experiencing any of these issues:

  • Painful Plantar Warts: If your Plantar Warts are causing discomfort while walking, treatment can alleviate that pain and allow you to move freely without limitations.
  • Persistent Warts: Stubborn warts that haven't responded to home remedies or haven't gone away on their own are prime candidates for professional treatment.
  • Concerned about Spreading: If you're worried about transmitting the wart virus to others or to different parts of your own body, treatment can effectively address this concern.
  • Impact on Confidence: If visible warts are affecting your confidence when wearing sandals or going barefoot, treatment can restore the smooth appearance of your feet.

While Plantar Wart treatment is generally safe for most people, it's always best to consult your podiatrist. They can assess your individual situation and determine if there are any underlying health conditions that might require alternative approaches. For example, people with significant diabetes or compromised immune systems might need to discuss specific considerations with their podiatrist.

Ann Arbor plantar wart treatment foot care model's feet

Conquering Plantar Warts

Consultation and Preparation

During your consultation, your podiatrist will ask about your medical history, including any existing health conditions. They'll also want to know how long you've had the warts, if you've tried any home remedies, and if you're experiencing pain or discomfort.

The podiatrist will then examine your feet closely to assess the size, location, and number of warts. In some cases, they might recommend a quick diagnostic test to confirm the presence of Plantar Warts.

The consultation is your chance to discuss your concerns and get a personalized treatment plan. Your podiatrist will walk you through the different options available, like cryotherapy, salicylic acid, or Swift microwave therapy, and explain what each entails. Schedule your consultation and get back to enjoying healthy, comfortable feet in no time!

Safe and Effective Treatment


To minimize any discomfort, your podiatrist might use a topical anesthetic cream to numb the area around the wart. The specific approach will depend on the chosen treatment:

  • Cryotherapy: A quick spray of liquid nitrogen freezes the wart tissue, essentially destroying it from the inside out. The frozen area might appear blistered for a few days, but this is a normal part of the healing process.
  • Salicylic Acid: For less aggressive cases, your podiatrist might apply a salicylic acid solution directly to the wart. This medication works by gradually breaking down the wart layer by layer over time.
  • Swift Microwave Therapy: This innovative treatment utilizes targeted microwave energy to heat and destroy the wart tissue. It's a precise approach that minimizes discomfort and surrounding tissue damage.

The specifics of your procedure will vary depending on your unique case and the chosen treatment method. Your podiatrist will walk you through the process step-by-step and address any questions you might have beforehand.

Regaining Foot Comfort

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

The timeline for seeing results can vary depending on the severity of the warts and the chosen treatment method. In some cases, you might notice visible improvement within a few weeks, while other methods might take a bit longer. Your podiatrist will provide a more specific timeframe based on your situation.

Most Plantar Wart treatments require minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities relatively quickly. There might be some mild discomfort or tenderness in the treated area, but this typically subsides within a few days. Your podiatrist will provide specific aftercare instructions to promote healing and prevent complications.

Why Choose Arbor-Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers?

Plantar Warts can be stubborn and frustrating, but you don't have to fight them alone! At Arbor-Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers, we have a team of experts dedicated to helping you achieve smooth, comfortable feet again.

Leading our team is Dr. Bradley Seel, a board-certified Ann Arbor podiatrist with over 30 years of experience treating various foot and ankle conditions, including those pesky Plantar Warts. With Dr. Seel's expertise, you can be confident you're receiving the most up-to-date and effective treatment available.

At Arbor-Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers, your well-being is our priority. Our friendly staff is here to answer your questions and address any concerns you might have in a clear and informative way. Dr. Seel values open communication and will explain all treatment options in detail, working with you to develop a personalized plan that gets you back on your feet, wart-free, as quickly as possible.

Ann Arbor Plantar Wart Treatment foot care model receiving treatment

Schedule Your Ann Arbor, MI, Plantar Wart Treatment Consultation at Arbor-Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers Today

Don't let Plantar Warts hold you back from enjoying life on your feet. At Arbor-Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers, we have the expertise and technology to help you achieve smooth, comfortable feet again. Contact Arbor-Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers today to schedule your consultation! Call us at (734) 975-1700 or use our convenient online form to schedule an appointment.

Plantar Wart Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Plantar Wart?

Plantar Warts are small, fleshy growths that show up on the weight-bearing areas of your feet, like your heels and balls of your toes. They're caused by a virus and can be a bit painful when you walk or stand.

How to get rid of Plantar Warts?

While the warts sometimes go away on their own, effective treatments are available! A podiatrist can use methods like freezing, medicated applications, or even microwave therapy to target and eliminate the warts.

What causes Plantar Warts?

The culprit behind Plantar Warts is a type of human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus enters your skin through tiny cuts or breaks, setting up shop and causing those bumpy growths.

Do Plantar Warts mean I have HPV?

Yes, Plantar Warts are caused by HPV, but it's a different strain than the one that causes cervical cancer. So no need to worry about that, but it is contagious, so it's best to get them treated.

What is the fastest way to get rid of Plantar Warts?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer, but some treatment options work quicker than others. Depending on the severity of your warts, talking to a podiatrist will help determine the best approach for you.

Are Plantar Warts contagious?

Yes, Plantar Warts are contagious and can spread through direct contact or by touching contaminated surfaces. That's why keeping your feet clean and dry, and wearing shoes in public showers, is important to prevent them.

Get relief today at Arbor - Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers

At Arbor - Ypsi Foot & Ankle Centers in Ann Arbor, Michigan, we identify your unique foot and ankle needs and develop a highly effective and individualized treatment plan to resolve them. Our experts will work relentlessly to make you feel better and put your best foot forward.

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